Ah, love! Could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits – and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire?
Father, husband, son, brother, and a true Friend, Dr. Borna Meisami–Fard joined Eternity in our hearts on 1 July 2007. Born forty years ago on 28 May 1967 in Tehran, Iran, Borna and his family came to Canada in 1984. He studied at the University of Toronto and graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in 1992. He then pursued his dream of specializing in orthopedic surgery and established what was to become a thriving practice in Toronto.
In an age of Identities, he eschewed labels and wove his own cultural tapestry out of a deep love for his land of birth and an equally deep commitment to his adopted home; never losing touch with the one, never losing sight of other, he made both Iran and Canada his home and native land. But there was more, much more, to him than all that.
Despite the impositions of a demanding profession, Borna's guiding axiom was that “life demands to be lived”. An avid traveler, a passionate humanitarian, a connoisseur of fine food, a sailor and skier and all around sports fan, a keen observer of national and international issues, a voracious reader of history; but above all, a friend, a companion of stormy nights and of sun-drenched moments, an endlessly patient support, a pillar of the community: Borna was a compleat human.
And over the past three years, he became complete. He married out of love a woman out of legend; the arrival of their daughter rounded their happiness eighteen months ago.
Shattered and disconsolate by his loss are Dr. Marjan Tabatabai, his wife; Ava, his daughter; Dr. Tina Meisami–Fard, his sister; Dr. Iraj and Mrs. Badri Meisami–Fard, his parents; his family and relatives spread across this Mortal Orb; and the many friends gathered and nurtured with unfailing attention and support over the years. Not one soul touched even briefly by his kindness shall ever forget that Moment; thus he lives on as he leaves us.
I have lived and have not lived in vain …
But there is that within me which shall tire
Torture and Time, and breathe when I expire …